Conduct a “focus group” about a specific topic of interest to you (e.g., mass transit in your geographical area). This means that you simultaneously interview at least three (but less than a dozen) persons about the topic, and spend at least 15 minutes. Describe who you got to participate (e.g., describe each person by gender, age, economic activity).  In what ways would this small sample not be representative of the local population? List the questions you asked and summarize the sample’s responses. What did you learn about the topic? What additional information do you now know that you would need to get on this topic?


For this focus group, I interviewed three individuals to gather insights on their experiences with mass transit in China during the National Day holidays in October. The participants were selected based on their varying demographics to ensure a diverse range of perspectives. While this small sample size limits the representativeness of the local population, it provides valuable insights into the topic.



1. Participant 1: Female, 32 years old, employed in the banking sector.

2. Participant 2: Male, 45 years old, self-employed in the tourism industry.

3. Participant 3: Female, 22 years old, student.

Limitations of Sample Representativeness:

1. Gender Bias: The sample does not adequately represent the gender distribution of the local population.

2. Age Bias: The age range is limited and does not include older individuals or children.

3. Economic Bias: The sample includes only one participant from the student category, which may not accurately reflect the experiences of students during the holidays.

Questions and Summary of Responses:

1. How frequently do you use mass transit during the National Day holidays?

   – Participant 1: Rarely, as I prefer to travel by car due to the convenience it offers.

   – Participant 2: Frequently, as I operate a travel agency and need to commute between different cities.

   – Participant 3: Occasionally, as I rely on public transportation to visit my family.

2. What challenges have you faced while using mass transit during this period?

   – Participant 1: Long waiting times and overcrowding at stations are major challenges.

   – Participant 2: Difficulty in securing tickets for popular routes and delays due to increased passenger traffic.

   – Participant 3: Limited seating availability and lack of information on schedule changes during the holidays.

3. Have you noticed any improvements or changes in mass transit services during National Day holidays over the years?

   – Participant 1: Yes, there have been improvements in terms of ticket booking systems and increased frequency of trains.

   – Participant 2: No significant changes noticed, except for the introduction of high-speed trains on some routes.

   – Participant 3: I have observed improvements in the cleanliness of trains and better customer service.

4. How do you think mass transit can be further improved during the National Day holidays?

   – Participant 1: More staff at stations to manage crowds and better communication regarding delays or cancellations.

   – Participant 2: Introduction of more direct routes and increased capacity on popular travel routes.

   – Participant 3: Integration of mobile apps for real-time updates and better coordination between different modes of transportation.

Insights and Additional Information:

From this focus group, I learned that while improvements have been made in mass transit services during National Day holidays, challenges such as overcrowding, ticket availability, and communication persist. To gather more comprehensive information on this topic, it would be necessary to expand the sample size to include a wider range of demographics, including different age groups, occupations, and regions. Additionally, surveying a larger number of participants would provide a more accurate representation of the local population’s experiences and opinions regarding mass transit during the National Day holidays.


This focus group provided valuable insights into the experiences of three individuals with mass transit in China during the National Day holidays. While the sample size was limited, it highlighted some common challenges faced by commuters, such as overcrowding, ticket availability, and communication issues. The participants also noted some improvements in mass transit services over the years, including ticket booking systems and increased train frequency. However, there is still room for further enhancements, such as better crowd management, more direct routes, and improved coordination between different modes of transportation. To obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the topic, future research should include a larger and more diverse sample size to accurately represent the local population’s experiences and opinions.

Mass Transit in China during National Day Holidays

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