Pick a topic of interest to you (e.g., consumers in one geographical area, or one specific industry). You are going to compare what you found in one reference work, one web site, and one journal article. Give URLs and complete bibliographical information. Where possible, provide the names of the authors and their backgrounds. Describe what each of the sources provided in terms of quantity of relevant information, depth of analysis, objectivity, recency, etc. Did any of these sources seem more oriented to promoting a product, industry or country rather than objectively describing and evaluating that topic?


China has emerged as the largest market for smartphones globally, with a population of over 1.39 billion, and smartphone adoption rate among internet users in China is over 72% (Kemp, 2023). In this essay, I will compare three sources, one reference work, one web site, and one journal article that cover the smartphone market in China. These sources will be evaluated based on the depth of analysis, objectivity, recency, and quantity of relevant information.


1. Reference Work. Title: “China’s Mobile Economy: Opportunities in the Largest and Fastest Information Consumption Boom”. Author: Winston Ma. Publisher: Wiley. Publication Year: 2016. Link: https://www.wiley.com/en-us/China%27s+Mobile+Economy%3A+Opportunities+in+the+Largest+and+Fastest+Information+Consumption+Boom-p-9781119127239

The reference work by Winston Ma provides a comprehensive overview of China’s mobile economy, including the mobile phone market. The book covers various aspects such as market size, consumer behavior, trends, and opportunities. The author, Winston Ma, is an expert in the field and has a background in law, finance, and technology.

Quantity of Relevant Information: The reference work offers a substantial amount of relevant information on consumers of mobile phones in China. It delves into market statistics, user demographics, and emerging trends.

Depth of Analysis: The analysis provided in this reference work is quite detailed and comprehensive. It explores various factors influencing consumer behavior, such as cultural preferences, income levels, and technological advancements. The author also examines the impact of mobile phones on different industries and the overall economy.

Objectivity: The reference work appears to maintain objectivity throughout the analysis. It presents both positive and negative aspects of the mobile phone market in China without any apparent bias.

Recency: Published in 2016, the reference work may not reflect the most current information or trends in the mobile phone industry. However, it still offers valuable insights into the subject matter.

Promotional Orientation: There is no apparent promotional orientation in this reference work. Its focus is on providing objective information and analysis rather than promoting any particular product, industry, or country.

2. Website. Title: “China Internet Watch”. URL: https://www.chinainternetwatch.com/

“China Internet Watch” is a website dedicated to providing insights and analysis on various aspects of China’s internet and technology landscape, including mobile phones. The website covers news, statistics, and reports related to the Chinese market.

Quantity of Relevant Information: The website offers a significant amount of relevant information on consumers of mobile phones in China. It provides news articles, market reports, and statistical data on market size, user behavior, and smartphone penetration.

Depth of Analysis: The depth of analysis on this website varies depending on the specific article or report. Some articles provide in-depth analysis of market trends, consumer preferences, and emerging technologies, while others may be more focused on reporting news or presenting statistics.

Objectivity: The website appears to strive for objectivity in its reporting and analysis. However, as with any online platform, it is essential to critically evaluate the sources and consider potential biases.

Recency: The website regularly updates its content with the latest news and reports. Therefore, it offers relatively recent information on the subject matter.

Promotional Orientation: While the website does feature advertisements and sponsored content, its primary focus is on providing objective information and analysis. However, it is crucial to remain vigilant about potential promotional influences.

3. Journal Article. Title: “How mobile phones in China have gone from status symbol to disruptive technology”. Author: Coco Feng. Source: South China Morning Post. Publication date: 2021, October 3. Link: https://www.scmp.com/economy/china-economy/article/3215592/how-mobile-phones-china-have-gone-status-symbol-disruptive-technology

Quantity of Relevant Information: The article offers a sufficient amount of content to understand the topic. It discusses various aspects such as the historical significance of mobile phones in China, the shift from status symbol to a tool for disruptive technology, and the impact on consumer behavior and market trends.

Depth of Analysis: The depth of analysis in this article is notable. It explores the reasons behind the transformation of mobile phones in China, including factors such as the rise of domestic smartphone brands, advancements in technology, and changing consumer preferences. The author provides insights into how Chinese consumers perceive and use mobile phones, highlighting the shift towards utilizing them as more than just a status symbol.

Objectivity: the article appears to be well-balanced. It presents different perspectives and includes quotes from industry experts and analysts. However, it is important to note that the South China Morning Post is a Hong Kong-based newspaper, so there might be some inherent biases or influences in its reporting.

Recency: The article was published on October 3, 2021, making it relatively recent and up-to-date. This enhances its relevance and credibility.

Promotional Orientation: While the article does discuss various brands and their impact on the market, it does not seem overly oriented towards promoting a specific product, industry, or country. Instead, it focuses on objectively describing and evaluating the transformation of mobile phones in China as a whole. Overall, the article from the South China Morning Post provides a valuable and informative analysis of the evolving role of mobile phones in Chinese society. It offers a sufficient quantity of relevant information, a depth of analysis, objectivity, and recency, making it a reliable source for understanding this topic.


All three sources offer unique insights into the smartphone market in China. The reference work by Winston Ma provides comprehensive market information with data and market forecasts, while China Internet Watch website offers more of an overview. The journal article by Coco Feng provides insights into evolving role of mobile phones in China. While all three sources provide objective information, they are not entirely free from biases. For instance, the website might be oriented towards promoting their products and services, while the journal article might limit its scope of analysis. To sum up, a wide range of sources should be consulted to gain a comprehensive understanding of the smartphone market in China.


Kemp, S. (2023, February 9). DIGITAL 2023: CHINA. Retrieved from https://datareportal.com/reports/digital-2023-china  

Smartphone Market in China

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