Come up with an example of a consumer related habit and how it has been classically conditioned. Identify each of these components: the unconditioned stimulus, the neutral stimulus that becomes conditioned, and the response.

Come up with an example of a consumer related habit and how it has been operantly conditioned. Identify the response and the kind of reinforcement (positive or negative).

Consumer habits are deeply ingrained behaviors that individuals develop over time. These habits can be influenced by classical and operant conditioning, two fundamental concepts in psychology (Indeed Editorial Team, 2022). Consider a consumer who has developed a habit of associating the smell of freshly baked cookies with the purchase of a particular brand of coffee. Initially, the smell of cookies is a neutral stimulus that does not elicit any response related to coffee purchasing. However, through classical conditioning, this neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus that triggers a response (Cherry, 2023).

The unconditioned stimulus in this scenario is the aroma of freshly baked cookies. This scent naturally elicits feelings of warmth, comfort, and pleasure. The neutral stimulus is the brand of coffee, which initially does not have any inherent association with the smell of cookies. The response is the act of purchasing the coffee.

Over time, the consumer repeatedly encounters the aroma of freshly baked cookies while purchasing the coffee. As a result, the neutral stimulus (coffee brand) becomes associated with the unconditioned stimulus (cookie smell). Eventually, the consumer starts to feel an increased desire to purchase the coffee whenever they encounter the smell of cookies. The conditioned stimulus (coffee brand) now elicits a conditioned response (purchase behavior) due to the association formed through classical conditioning (Cherry, 2023).

Let’s imagine a consumer who frequently shops online for clothing and accessories. This consumer has developed a habit of impulsively buying items whenever they receive promotional emails from their favorite online store. This behavior can be explained through operant conditioning, where behaviors are shaped by consequences (Indeed Editorial Team, 2022).

The response in this example is the act of making a purchase after receiving a promotional email. The kind of reinforcement involved is positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement occurs when a behavior is followed by a rewarding stimulus, increasing the likelihood of that behavior being repeated (Indeed Editorial Team, 2022).

In this case, the consumer receives a promotional email (stimulus) from the online store. They are enticed by the discounts and exclusive offers mentioned in the email, which serves as the positive reinforcement. The act of making a purchase (response) is reinforced by the pleasurable experience of obtaining discounted items. As a result, the consumer is more likely to repeat the behavior of purchasing items after receiving promotional emails.

To sum up, understanding the underlying psychological processes of conditioning provides valuable insights for marketers and businesses to influence consumer behavior. By utilizing techniques of classical and operant conditioning, companies can create positive associations with their products, services, and brands, ultimately influencing consumer habits and preferences. However, it is important to note that consumer behavior is influenced by various factors, and conditioning is just one aspect of the larger picture.


Indeed Editorial Team. (2022, June 25). Classical vs. Operant Conditioning: What’s the Difference? Retrieved from

Cherry, K. (2023, May 1). What Is Classical Conditioning in Psychology? How It Works, Terms to Know, and Examples. Retrieved from

Physiology, Learning, & Memory

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