Comment on findings from your University of Pennsylvania survey results, your readings and your learnings and this unit. Show how you interpret your scores and what you learned. To help you out, the author of this workbook prepared the following list of entrepreneur characteristics. Please comment on each one (why or why not they are important for you as an entrepreneur) as well as add those that are missing prior to deciding which test to take.
Do not forget to share what you learned during the course of this unit, including this exercise.

This week I registered on the University of Pennsylvania test center and took the brief strengths test because I believe that it is crucial to know my strengths and weaknesses as for the entrepreneur. Based on my survey results, it seems that I have strong communication and creativeness skills but lack the courage to make decisions and consider the potential consequences they may have. Without the willingness to take risks and make decisions, it would be difficult to succeed in a competitive business environment. As someone who lacks courage in decision-making, this is an area I need to work on in order to become a successful entrepreneur.

Communication and creativity are both strengths that I have identified through the survey results. These are valuable skills for an entrepreneur as they allow for effective communication with stakeholders and the ability to generate innovative ideas. However, without the courage to take action on these ideas and make decisions, these strengths may not be fully utilized.

In addition to the given list of characteristics, I would add adaptability as an important trait for an entrepreneur. In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, being able to adapt to new challenges and opportunities is crucial. This includes being open to new possibilities, checking potential consequences, and being willing to make necessary adjustments. According to the test results, I have high scores in adaptability and I’m really happy to see that.

In the test results I could also see, that many other people had similar results with mine. It a little bit encouraged me because if many others could become successful entrepreneurs even having troubles with being courageous enough to make complicated decisions, then I can do it, too!

Throughout this unit, I have learned the importance of self-reflection and self-awareness in understanding my strengths and weaknesses as an entrepreneur. The survey results have provided valuable insights into my communication and creative abilities, as well as highlighting areas for improvement such as courage in decision-making. By recognizing these traits and actively working on developing them, I can increase my chances of success as an entrepreneur.

After reading the assigned material and reflecting on my personal experience, I have gained insights about entrepreneurship as a notion and the qualities of an exemplary entrepreneur.

From A Framework for Addressing and Measuring Entrepreneurship article by Nadim Ahmad and Anders Hoffman, I learned that entrepreneurship has a long history and has developed various approaches and styles over time. The article emphasizes that entrepreneurship is not just about starting a business but also includes activities that promote innovation, competitiveness, and growth. Furthermore, the authors suggest that entrepreneurship can be measured by various indicators, including firm creation, job creation, and innovative activity. Overall, the article has provided me with a better understanding of the multifaceted nature of entrepreneurship and the importance of considering different factors when evaluating entrepreneurial ideas.

From My Life and Work by Henry Ford, I learned about the issues surrounding the developmental growth of an exemplary entrepreneur. Ford’s life story showcases his unwavering dedication to his vision, commitment to self-improvement, and ability to overcome challenges. I found his story inspiring as he shared how he transformed his own life and impacted society by promoting mass production and reducing the price of cars to make them affordable for the average person. His innovative thinking and his focus on serving the masses rather than just the elite is something that resonated with me.

Comparing myself to Ford, I can see some similarities and differences. Like Ford, I value creativity and innovation in my entrepreneurial pursuits. However, I have not yet faced the same level of challenges and obstacles that Ford did in building his business. I also believe that this man was really brave, and I will need a lot of time to get at least some of his bravery to become successful.

From Ford’s lessons, I have learned the importance of perseverance and staying true to one’s vision. Building a successful business requires resilience and the ability to overcome obstacles. I have also learned the value of treating employees well and creating a positive work environment. Happy and motivated employees can contribute greatly to the success of a business.

Learning Journal 1

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