1. The operational definition of a variable is how the researcher measured it.

a. True
b. False

2. The operational definition of a variable is how the researcher measured it.

a. True
b. False

3. The main criteria for scientific status are:

a. reason & recency
b. the absence of theories
c. the absence of data
d. objectivity & precision of measurement
e. there are no criteria in science

4. What do we call the phenomenon of behavior being influenced by the attempt to observe that behavior?

a. recency
b. Hawthorne effect
c. predictors
d. credibility
e. introspection

5. What do we call a measure that does not change (from subject to subject) within the sample?

a. independent variable
b. dependent variable
c. predictor variable
d. criterion variable
e. constant

6. A sample should be small and homogenous.

a. True
b. False

7. Scholarly journals would be an example of:

a. propaganda
b. reference works
c. periodicals
d. government materials
e. most newspapers & magazines

8. Inference is the process of reasoning from something observed to something else which was not directly observed.

a. True
b. False

9. Qualitative research offers richness, rather than precision.

a. True
b. False

10. Focus groups are an example of qualitative research.

a. True
b. False

11. Our definition of “consumer” should be limited to current, active, customers of a specific product of a specific company.

a. True
b. False

12. Words such as “hypotheses” and “stimuli” and “data” are:

a. never to be used in scientific discussions
b. plural nouns
c. adjectives
d. adverbs

13. Which of these would be the smaller number of people?

a. population
b. sample
c. group
d. subject
e. census

14. Consumer behavior is part of the field of business known as:

a. organization theory
b. organization behavior
c. leadership
d. accounting
e. marketing

15. Good qualitative research does not seek to provide data to confirm the utility of rigidly defined categories or theories, but to continuously adjust such categories and theories as new data come in.

a. True
b. False

16. A source should be evaluated according to its:

a. recency
b. comprehensiveness of data
c. depth of analysis
d. credibility
e. all of the above

17. A search engine which does not track the user is:

a. Google
b. Bing
c. Yahoo
d. Ixquick
e. Craigs List

18. A search engine specializing in business topics is:

a. Biznar
c. BusEZ
d. GetIt
e. GoDaddy

19. Which of these would be a criterion variable?

a. whether or not the consumer purchases the product in the future
b. whether or not the consumer has purchased the product in the past
c. the consumer’s background factors: age, gender, social class
d. the consumer’s values
e. the advertising

20. Which of these is an ethical approach to research?

a. coerced participation
b. informed consent
c. exposure to risk
d. exposure to embarrassment
e. deception

Graded Quiz 3

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