1.What must we do before engaging in a process capability evaluation?

a. We must decrease the process’ central tendency
b. We must improve inspection of nonconformity
c. We must eliminate all special cause variations
d. We must consult with the process owners

2. What should be done to manage variations at both a process and an organizational level?

a. Common and special cause variations must both be eliminated
b. Feedback must be given to process designers after performance improvements
c. Processes must be spread out over several departments
d. Specification limits must be set or approved by senior management

3. Which variations are sensible management decisions impossible to make to account?

a. Common cause variation
b. Special cause variation
c. Any kind of variation
d. No type of variation

4. According to Deming, what is the aim of the production system defined by?

a. The customer of the process
b. The owner of the production facility
c. The process operators
d. The management

5. What does process capability evaluation allow us to do?

a. Check customer requirements against what a process is able to achieve
b. Set control limits to a process
c. Determine the central tendency and the spread of a process
d. Eliminate subprocesses that do not contribute to customer satisfaction

6. What are the two quantitative elements of process variation?

a. Common cause and special cause
b. Median and variance
c. Central tendency and spread
d. Inspection and detection

7. What does a system vision of the manufacturing process allow?

a. Break down barriers between departments
b. think of the process in terms of functional silos
c. optimize subprocesses
d. focus on local goals

8. What do we call a chart that plots a measured variation over time?

a. Time-variation matrix
b. Run chart
c. Control chart
d. Variance detection chart

9. Which is not a foundational principle of the Kanban methodology?

a. Start with what you are doing now
b. Discourage acts of leadership at all levels
c. Agree to pursue incremental, evolutionary change
d. Initially, respect current roles, responsibilities and job titles

10. What is the goal of Statistical Process Control?

a. To meet customer requirements more closely than before by minimizing variations in processes
b. To eliminate unnecessary processes
c. To reduce costs by eliminating individual process owners
d. To increase the productivity of quality inspectors

11. In the ‘Taguchi method,’ what does identifying the components of the design which are sensitive in affecting the quality of the product and establishing the tolerance limits which will give the required level of variation in the design known as?

a. Tolerance design
b. Parameter design
c. Systems design
d. Process design

12. Which is not a core practice of the Kanban method?

a. Visualize the flow of work
b. Make the process policies explicit
c. Improve collaboratively, evolve experimentally
d. Discourage feedback loops

13. What is the table that links customer requirements to process parameters called?

a. What-how matrix
b. Requirement-parameter matrix
c. Process planning matrix
d. Strategic improvement matrix

14. To avoid the problems associated with post-production quality inspection, what is the solution to implement?

a. Scientific management
b. Process planning matrix
c. Statistical process control
d. Nonconformity detection systems

15. In the manufacturing process, what are sales and production respectively driven by?

a. Time and cost
b. Value and cost
c. Quality and delivery
d. Price and management

16. To successfully introduce Statistical Process Control, what is important to remember?

a. Process operators are irrelevant
b. Quality is a result of capability, not specifications
c. All processes, their inputs and outputs can be reduced to statistics
d. Respect for the individual and the right to take pride in one’s work are essential

17. Which is a problem with a process operating on a nonconformity detection basis?

a. It is less expensive
b. The detection occurs after the products have been made
c. The person responsible for the quality can improve it
d. The detection occurs before the products have been made

18. In the ‘Taguchi method,’ what do we call the identification of the basic elements of the design, which will produce the desired output, such as the best combination of processes and materials?

a. Tolerance design
b. Parameter design
c. Systems design
d. Process design

Self-Quiz 3

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