1. According to the EFQM model, what should an excellent organization promote?

a. Training
b. Education
c. Rewards
d. Cross-efficiencies

2. Which of the following statements is true about customers and quality management?

a. Companies know better what customers want than customers do
b. Responding to customer complaints improves satisfaction
c. Customers should see value in a product to actively choose it over others
d. Customer satisfaction is the best to enhance company performance

3. Which is a factor that should not determine customer value?

a. Difference between customer satisfaction and expectations
b. Ignorance of faults
c. Freedom from faults
d. Emotional engagement with the product

4. What is the main use of the EFQM Excellence Model?

a. Developing a stakeholder focused strategy
b. Empowering employees
c. Distributing responsibilities and rewards
d. Pinpointing which stakeholder is responsible

5. In the EFQM Excellence Model, what is the first step of assessing results?

a. Look at their performance
b. Look at their scope
c. Look at their measurement
d. Look at their relevance

6. What is most effective about employee empowerment?

a. Simplifies the tasks of employees
b. Simplifies the tasks of managers
c. Gives the employees additional responsibilities
d. Shifts the blame for mistakes onto the employees

7. What is the type of quality referring to giving customers things they didn’t know they wanted and they never asked for, but which they can now not do without?

a. Basic Quality
b. Excitement quality
c. Intermediate Quality
d. Performance quality

8. Which is the approach where it is considered that the marketing department knows more about what customers want than the customers themselves?

a. The “Product Out” concept
b. The “Market In” approach
c. The “Requirement Focus” approach
d. The “Procedure Control” concept

9. Which is not a characteristic of good partnerships?

a. Independent problem solving
b. Long term
c. Trust based
d. Gain sharing

10. What is the problem with a “Product Out” focus?

a. It is costly in market research
b. It causes a lot of product recalls
c. It is slow to respond to changing markets
d. It makes product specifications very available to competitors

11. Which is not a benefit of the partnering approach?

a. Constancy of purpose
b. Fostering collaborations
c. Systemic thinking
d. More risks with less safeguards

12. To foster a climate that makes empowerment possible, what should managers avoid?

a. Encourage challenges but discourage questioning
b. Encourage challenge and questioning
c. Provide additional training
d. Recognize efforts and accomplishments

13. In the “Transactional” (traditional) supplier model, what form of relationship do we have with the suppliers?

a. Synergistic
b. Integrated
c. Adversarial
d. Competitive

14. Which of the following is not a consequence of having a purely transactional relationship with suppliers?

a. Lifecycle costs may increase
b. Purchase costs may not be reduced
c. Many of the costs are invisible to the purchasing department
d. Suppliers naturally reduce their costs over time

15. What are the EFQM Model criteria categorized as?

a. Performers and visions
b. Motivators and demotivators
c. Enablers and results
d. Pushers and pullers

16. What is the purpose of Quality Circles?

a. Find ways to increase productivity
b. Lower the workload of managers
c. Gather customer requirements
d. Reduce the number of problems that make work ineffective

17. Which is a fundamental principle of managing people in Quality Management?

a. Scientific Management
b. Efficient use of human resources
c. Respect for the individual
d. Rewarding the most productive employees

Self-Quiz 2

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