Assume that you are the manager of a business that wants to learn about why individuals and groups do what they do within the organization. Currently, there is no application nor knowledge of why individuals or groups within the organization act the way they do. Assume that the readers of your essay will be the board of directors of the organization who want to see the organization develop more into a team environment. The board wants to know why the employees, teams, and the organization care about organizational behavior.


Organizational behavior in business management has become predominant in recent years because it has become apparent that it can provide numerous benefits for businesses. It is important to understand why individuals and groups behave the way they do within an organization because it has a direct relationship with the success of the organization. Organizational behavior is a field of study that examines the actions of people in the workplace, and it combines psychology, sociology, and communication to understand the behavior of individuals and groups in the organization, as well as aspects like motivation, communication, and leadership.


Organizational behavior provides insights into the behavior of individuals within the organization. With the understanding of why individuals and groups behave the way they do, management can identify ways to motivate employees and boost their morale. Organizational behavior has been identified as a critical factor in achieving organizational success. Research has shown that high-performing companies have a higher level of organizational behavior knowledge compared to low performing companies.

Organizational behavior helps managers determine which employees are motivated, how they can motivate them and where the work environment is impacting employee behavior.
Motivation plays a pivotal role in determining employee performance and engagement. By understanding what drives individuals within the organization, managers can tailor their motivational strategies accordingly (Xiong, 2023). Organizational behavior research provides valuable insights into different motivational theories, such as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs or Herzberg’s two-factor theory. Implementing these theories can help identify the specific needs of employees and design appropriate incentives and rewards to meet those needs, thereby fostering a more motivated and engaged workforce.

Among the core benefits of organizational behavior in team building is improved communication. Communication is the backbone of success in a team environment. Organizational behavior provides insights on communicating with team members in ways that are accepting, empathetic and respectful. It helps managers understand how messages are perceived by employees, effective communication tools, and how to use non-verbal communication to communicate successfully. With better communication, a team environment can be created, and managers can work with employees to foster a sense of trust and transparency.

Leadership plays a crucial role in shaping organizational behavior. By adopting leadership styles that align with the organization’s values and goals, managers can inspire and motivate employees to achieve their full potential. Organizational behavior research provides insights into different leadership styles, such as transformational, transactional, and servant leadership (Tutorialspoint, n.d.). Understanding these styles enables managers to adapt their approach to different situations and individuals, fostering a positive work environment and encouraging employee growth.

Another key benefit of utilizing organizational behavior in business management can be seen in employee retention. High employee turnover can impact an organization’s bottom line, but by understanding the factors that motivate employees, managers can take steps to ensure employees remain engaged and committed to their work. Organizational behavior can help identify what drives employee motivation, as well as how to maximize employee engagement. This can include fostering a sense of belongingness, creating opportunities for personal growth and development, along with providing employees with feedback and recognition for their hard work.

Organizational behavior studies emphasize the importance of continuous learning and development for individuals within the organization. By providing opportunities for skill enhancement, career advancement, and personal growth, organizations can create a culture that values employee development. This, in turn, leads to increased job satisfaction, higher levels of commitment, and improved overall performance (Xiong, 2023).


Business management is a field that has undergone numerous changes over the years, and the significance of organizational behavior has become increasingly apparent. By understanding why individuals and groups behave the way they do within an organization, managers can foster a team environment, ensure effective communication, and ultimately drive organizational success. It has been seen that companies that pay attention to organizational behavior tend to perform better and have a higher rate of employee retention.

Therefore, it is recommended that the management of the organization embrace the knowledge and tools offered by organizational behavior to foster an organization that supports effective teamwork, increases employee motivation, and retains valuable employees. With the adoption of organizational behavior methods in the organization, the board of directors can ensure that the organization develops into an environment that is conducive to bringing continued success to the organization.


Xiong M. (2023, July 31). Organizational Behavior. Retrieved from
Tutorialspoint. (n.d.). Organizational Behavior – Leadership. Retrieved from

Why Individuals and Groups Do What They Do

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