Do you agree with the statement that Classical Greece influenced modern Western society and culture? Justify with relevant examples. 


Certainly, the Western world has undergone significant changes since the end of the Ancient Greek civilization. Throughout history, a multitude of cultures and civilizations have risen and fallen, each leaving their mark on the world. However, few have had as much impact as Classical Greece. The Greeks were pioneers in many fields, including philosophy, science, and art, and their contributions have been felt throughout Western society and culture. The question at hand is whether or not Classical Greece influenced modern Western society and culture. While some may argue that the Greeks were just one of many civilizations to shape the West, it is difficult to deny the far-reaching impact of their ideas and innovations. From the concept of democracy to the use of reason and logic in philosophy and science, the Greeks laid the groundwork for many of the values and ideals that are still held dear in Western society today.

This paper will explore the ways in which Classical Greece influenced modern Western society and culture. Through an examination of key areas such as philosophy, science, art, and politics, we will see how the Greeks left an indelible mark on the world and continue to shape the way we think, act, and live today.


Classical Greece was a period of great intellectual and artistic achievements that have left a lasting impact on Western civilization. The Greeks made significant contributions to philosophy, science, literature, art, and politics, which have influenced the way we think and live today.

One of the most significant contributions of Classical Greece is the development of democracy. The ancient Greeks believed that every citizen had the right to participate in the government and make decisions that affected their lives. This idea of democracy has been adopted by many Western countries, including the United States, where it is enshrined in the Constitution. Classical Greece also produced some of the greatest philosophers in history, such as Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates. Their ideas about ethics, politics, and metaphysics have influenced Western thought for centuries. For example, Plato’s concept of the ideal state has been influential in shaping modern political theory (Dilouambaka, 2022).

Greek literature has also had a profound impact on Western culture. The works of Homer, such as the Iliad and the Odyssey, are considered classics of Western literature. These epic poems have inspired countless writers and artists throughout history. In addition to literature, Greek art has also had a significant influence on Western culture. Greek sculptures and architecture are renowned for their beauty and elegance. The Parthenon in Athens is one of the most famous examples of Greek architecture and has been an inspiration for many buildings throughout history (Mulvania, n.d.).

Finally, Greek mythology has had a lasting impact on Western culture. The stories of gods and heroes have been retold in countless books, movies, and TV shows. The names of Greek gods and goddesses are still used today to describe various concepts and ideas (Dilouambaka, 2022).


In conclusion, the influence of Classical Greece on modern Western society and culture cannot be overstated. The Greeks were pioneers in many fields, including politics, philosophy, science, art, and literature, and their contributions have left an indelible mark on the world. From the concept of democracy to the use of reason and logic in philosophy and science, the Greeks laid the foundation for many of the values and ideals that are still central to Western culture today.

Through an examination of key areas such as politics, philosophy, science, art, and literature, we have seen how the Greeks continue to shape the way we think, act, and live today. Their legacy is evident in many aspects of modern Western culture, and it is difficult to imagine what the world would be like without their contributions. The Greeks were truly ahead of their time, and their ideas and innovations continue to inspire and influence people around the world.


Dilouambaka E. (2022, December 10). The Ways the Ancient Greeks Changed the World. Retrieved from

Mulvania A. (n.d.). 7 Things The Ancient Greeks Gave Us. Retrieved from

Influence of Classical Greece

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