How do you think clothing choices affect the relationships we form at work or in other business situations? What is your opinion about workplace dress codes, and how far should employers go in setting dress and other behavior standards? Why are these standards important (or not) from an ethical perspective? How do you think clothing might affect an international company’s approach to business ethics?


Clothing choices are often taken for granted, yet they can have a significant impact on the relationships we form in the workplace and other business situations. Not only can clothing affect how we are perceived by others, but it can also influence our own confidence and behavior. This is why workplace dress codes have been established by many employers, with varying degrees of strictness. However, the importance of these standards from an ethical perspective is often debated. Additionally, when considering international business, cultural differences in clothing and appearance can further complicate ethical considerations. This paper will explore the impact of clothing choices on business relationships, the role and extent of workplace dress codes, the ethical implications of these standards, and how clothing may affect an international company’s approach to business ethics.


How do you think clothing choices affect the relationships we form at work or in other business situations?

I believe that clothing choices can affect the relationships we form at work or in other business situations in various ways. Our attire can signal our level of professionalism, competence, and respect for the workplace culture. Dressing in a manner that is consistent with the expectations of the workplace can help us build trust and credibility with our colleagues and clients. On the other hand, dressing inappropriately or too casually can create a negative impression and undermine our ability to build relationships. Clothing can also impact our own confidence and sense of self, which can in turn affect our interactions with others (Byars & Stanberry, 2022).

What is your opinion about workplace dress codes, and how far should employers go in setting dress and other behavior standards?

My opinion about workplace dress codes is that they can be necessary to establish a professional and respectful workplace culture. Employers have the right to set standards for dress and behavior that align with their values and the expectations of their clients and customers. However, dress codes should be reasonable and not discriminatory. Employers should also consider the practicality of their dress codes, as excessively restrictive or uncomfortable clothing requirements can be detrimental to employee productivity and morale.

Why are these standards important (or not) from an ethical perspective?

From an ethical perspective, workplace dress codes and behavior standards can be important in promoting a respectful and inclusive workplace culture. They can help prevent discrimination, harassment, and other forms of inappropriate behavior. However, dress codes should not be used to unfairly target certain groups or to enforce outdated gender norms. It is important for employers to consider the impact of their dress codes on employees and to be open to feedback and suggestions for improvement (Synaptic, 2011).

How do you think clothing might affect an international company’s approach to business ethics?

Clothing can have different cultural meanings and significance in different parts of the world. An international company should be sensitive to these cultural differences and adapt their approach to dress and behavior standards accordingly. For example, a dress code that is considered appropriate in one country may be seen as too conservative or too casual in another. It is important for companies to understand and respect the cultural norms of the countries they do business in, while also maintaining their own values and standards. Ultimately, the goal should be to build relationships based on mutual respect and understanding.


Clothing choices are an important aspect of our professional lives, as they can affect the relationships we form at work or in other business situations. Employers have the right to establish dress codes and expect employees to abide by them, but they should also consider cultural and regional differences when setting these standards. Workplace dress codes can be important from an ethical perspective, as they can help maintain a professional atmosphere and prevent discrimination. However, it is important to strike a balance between the employer’s needs and the employee’s right to express themselves. Finally, clothing can affect an international company’s approach to business ethics, as different cultures may have different standards and expectations. Ultimately, it is important to be mindful of these nuances and to approach workplace dress codes and behavior standards with sensitivity and respect.


Byars S., Stanberry K. (December 12, 2022). Business Ethics. Chapter 5.3: Business and Global Relationships. Retrieved from


Tucked In, Tucked Out

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