1. According to Confucius, the hope for reform of Chinese society was a centralized planning system. Select one:

a. True
b. False

2. John Rawls’s theory of justice is mainly non-Utilitarian. Select one:

a. True
b. False

3. Managerial ethics is related to which of the following? Select one:

a. shareholder wealth
b. righteousness
c. bureaucracy

4. Confucian virtue ethics is similar to the Aristotelian version in that both are very practical. Select one:

a. True
b. False

5. The veil of ignorance ensures which of the following? Select one:

a. mass delusion
b. objectivity
c. self-reliance
d. Enlightenment reason

6. Utilitarianism is a system that ________. Select one:

a. considers historical conditions
b. approaches Aristotelian deliberation
c. builds on natural law theory
d. attempts to quantify the good

7. John Stuart Mill’s emphasis on human rights distinguishes him from Jeremy Bentham. Select one:

a. True
b. False

8. According to Aristotle, happiness is a virtuous activity of the soul. Select one:

a. True
b. False

9. Immanuel Kant contended that people often interpret reason subjectively. Select one:

a. True
b. False

10. It is possible to act deliberately and shrewdly in a good way or toward a good end? Select one:

a. True
b. False

Self-Quiz 2

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