1. What is defined as a democratic form of government? Select one:

a. There is a single ruler who makes all the decisions
b. The people in power are elected by the people via free and fair elections
c. The rulers are a small group of people representing on a small section of the society
d. There are multiple rulers whose rule in not based on law.

2. A tyrant, in the context of Ancient Greece, did all except:

a. seized power by force
b. ruled with total power
c. shared power with the citizens
d. at times cruel and sometimes sympathetic

3. How did the Spartan government work? Select one:

a. It centered on a tribunal of warriors elected from their regiments
b. It was ruled by tyrants who derived their power from war-making
c. It shared power among kings, an elite council, and elected officials
d. It relied on a merchant oligarchy to make and administer laws.

4. Plato was a disciple of __________________. Select one:

a. Aristotle
b. Cicero
c. Socrates
d. Polybius

5. The board of magistrates in Athens was referred to as the:

a. Supreme court
b. The Twelve
c. Gerousia
d. The Eleven

6. The most important duty of Spartan women was to:

a. give birth to as many children as possible, preferably male
b. work at the agricultural fields
c. weave clothes for the household
d. fight wars along with the male citizens.

7. Which of the following comprised of the ‘The Council of 500’ in Athens?

a. 250 male and 250 female citizens of Athens responsible for decision making.
b. Wise men, philosophers, artists among others who gave their opinions on new legislations
c. A group of 500 citizens chosen to form council responsible for day-to-day business of the government
d. Brave Athenian soldiers who safeguarded its territory.

8. Which of the following is defined as a system of government in which a small group of people rule a larger group of people?

a. Oligarchy
b. Monarchy
c. Tyranny
d. Republic

9. Which of the following is false about democracy in Ancient Athens?

a. To be a citizen, you had to be a male
b. All people, including women, foreigners and slaves were citizens and participated in the government
c. Citizens served as jurors, regardless of wealth
d. An assembly of all citizens came together to vote on the laws

10. Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates were prominent ___________.

d.Political leaders

Self-Quiz 1

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