1. What is the most significant employee relations issue to be considered when expanding the use of artificial intelligence? Select one:

a. retraining of workers
b. cost of technology
c. employee access
d. code of conduct

2. Agribusiness is a large global industry that provides us which of the following? Select one:

a. sustainability of the food industry
b. the food we eat
c. safe food production
d. the world’s raw materials’ supply chain

3. Title VII of the CRA, which governs nondiscrimination, mandates four tenets that all employers should follow. Which of the following is not one of the tenets? Select one:

a. undue hardship
b. nondiscrimination
c. nonharassment
d. reasonable accommodation

4. Which of the following best defines entrepreneurial culture? Select one:

a. combination of dogmatic and detailed style
b. combination of management style and personality
c. combination of dedication and establishment
d. combination of execution mindset and fraternity

5. The entitlement of nonhuman animals to ethical treatment is referred to as ________. Select one:

a. modern social movement
b. pet protection laws
d. animal rights

6. Which of the following is not an alternative to the traditional office work model? (Select all that apply.)

a. job sharing
b. remote working
c. offshoring
d. precarious proletariat

7. What are common characteristics of founders of successful start-ups? (Select all that apply.)

a. ambitious drive
b. charisma

c. humility
d. powerful ego

8. What are ways companies can enable success with telecommuting? (Select all that apply.)

a. Empower employees by including them in corporate culture
b. Provide employees with the right remote technology

c. Place workers without assistance in a new situation
d. View remote employees as out of sight, out of mind.

9. All states in the United States have some form of laws to protect animals. Select one:

a. True
b. False

10. State-of-the-art workplaces are utilitarian environments that minimize distractions and ensure employees get the maximum amount of work completed each day. Select one:

a. True
b. False

11. ________ is the practice of offering flexible hours. Select one:

a. Job sharing
b. Gig economy
c. Access economy
d. Flex time

12. The Nonhuman Rights Project in Florida hired attorneys to present a theory in court to argue that two ________ have the legal standing to be freed from cages to live in an outdoor sanctuary. Select one:

a. beagles
b. chimpanzees
c. dogs
d. cats

13. Which of the following is not a problem that arises out of bureaucratization? Select one:

a. codified procedures
b. enhanced ethics
c. internal obstruction
d. management layers

14. The Affordable Care Act is an example of redlining. Select one:

a. True
b. False

15. The term ________ emerged in the 1970s and describes a practice of reducing commuting time to instead work in a specific location, such an alternate office or an employee’s home. Select one:

a. telework
b. telecommuting
c. telecommunications
d. contract work

16. Max Weber characterized the private economy as which of the following? Select one:

a. Appreciate the consequences of bureaucracy
b. A money economy is a presupposition of bureaucracy
c. Bureaucracy is predominant
d. Bureaucracy is a basic institution.

17. How is a company town similar to a corporate campus? Select one:

a. It can pay workers less
b. Work is in the same place as housing
c. All employees must live there
d. All employees must work there.

18. Some companies, like Facebook, have opted for ________ in lieu of traditional office spaces. Select one:

a. cubicles
b. workplace campuses
c. telecommuting exclusively
d. minimalist offices

19. What is the ethical issue behind issuing disaster insurance? Select one:

a. Catastrophic loss can be financially devastating
b. What constitutes a reasonable profit may be unfair
c. The guarantee of a fair payout is an inducement
d. Insurance premiums are calculated differentially.

20. The law requires that an employee disclose having a particular “disability” or needing a particular “reasonable accommodation” under the Americans for Disabilities Act when requesting some type of assistance. Select one:

a. True
b. False

21. There is a prevailing view that all employers offering more perks do so because they expect more from employees. Select one:

a. True
b. False

22. The practice of redlining is best described as which of the following? Select one:

a. assigning particular premiums for insurance policies
b. denying particular premiums for insurance policies
c. assigning or denying coverage for certain policies
d. assigning or denying indemnification for insurance

23. Which is the best example of a novelty craze? Select one:

a. pet rocks
b. conventional phones
c. big burgers
d. Kinko’s

24. Which of the following is not an example of a communal working-space company? Select one:

a. WeWork
b. Alphabet
c. Workbar
d. General Assembly

25. Cases of workplace discrimination can be based on cultural heritage or religion. Select one:

a. True
b. False

Graded Quiz 7

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