Reflect on the various structures of Athenian democracy & compare them with the system of government in your own country. You may consider the following aspects: Citizenship and franchise, The procedure to make laws and who had the power to do so, The power of the Judiciary, Judicial Review, Ways of constraining the power of public officials.

Let’s compare Athenian democracy with the modern system of government in China. In Athens, only male citizens who were born in the city and had completed military training were eligible to vote. Women, slaves, and foreigners were excluded from the political process (National Geographic, 2022). In contrast, China does not have a democratic system of government, and the Communist Party controls the political process.

In Athens, the Assembly of Citizens had the power to make laws. Any citizen could propose a law, and the Assembly would vote on it. In China, the National People’s Congress is the highest legislative body, and it has the power to make laws. However, the Communist Party has the final say on all legislative matters (The University of Melbourne, 2023).

In Athens, the courts were independent of the political process, and the jurors were chosen by lot. The courts had the power to interpret the law and enforce it. In China, the courts are subordinate to the ruling party, and the judges are appointed by the party. The courts do not have the power to interpret the law independently (The University of Melbourne, 2023).

In Athens, the executive power was divided among different officials, including the archons, the magistrates, and the generals. The officials were chosen by lot or election, and they had limited terms in office. In China, the executive power is concentrated in the hands of the President and the Premier, who are appointed by the Communist Party. Also, Athens did not have a formal system of judicial review, but China has a system of judicial review, though it is controlled by the Communist Party.

In Athens, public officials were subject to scrutiny by the Assembly and the courts. They could be impeached and removed from office if they were found to be corrupt or incompetent. In China, public officials are subject to internal party discipline and can be punished for violations of party rules.

In conclusion, Athenian democracy and the system of government in China are vastly different. While Athens had a system of direct democracy, China has a one-party system with limited political freedom. The two systems reflect different values and priorities, and they have evolved in response to unique historical and cultural contexts.


National Geographic. (May 20, 2022). Democracy (Ancient Greece). Retrieved from

The University of Melbourne. (March 21, 2023). Chinese (PRC) & Hong Kong Law. Retrieved from

Comparing the Athenian Democracy with the system of government in China

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