What ethical issues arise when a company decides to build its business in the inner city versus building its business in the suburbs or country? 

When a company decides to build its business in the inner city versus building its business in the suburbs or country, several ethical issues arise. One of the primary concerns is the impact on the local economy. Building a business in the inner city can help to revitalize the area and create jobs for local residents. On the other hand, building a business in the suburbs or country can have a negative impact on the local economy as it may lead to urban sprawl and the displacement of local businesses (Porter M., 1995).

Another ethical issue that arises is the impact on the environment. Building a business in the suburbs or country can lead to deforestation, habitat destruction, and increased carbon emissions due to increased transportation needs. On the other hand, building a business in the inner city can lead to increased pollution due to traffic congestion and the need for more energy-intensive infrastructure (Catalano, 2022).

There are also ethical concerns related to social justice. Building a business in the inner city can help to address issues of inequality by providing job opportunities for marginalized communities. On the other hand, building a business in the suburbs or country can exacerbate existing inequalities by creating jobs that are not accessible to those who do not have access to transportation or live too far away (Catalano, 2022).

Finally, there are ethical concerns related to transparency and accountability. When a company decides to build its business in a particular location, it must be transparent about its decision-making process and accountable for any negative impacts that result from its actions. This includes engaging with local stakeholders and considering their input when making decisions about where to build.

Overall, there are many ethical issues that arise when a company decides to build its business in the inner city versus building its business in the suburbs or country. It is essential for companies to consider these issues carefully and engage with local stakeholders to ensure that their actions are responsible and sustainable. By doing so, they can help to create a more just and equitable society for all.


Porter, M. (1995, May-June). The Competitive Advantage of the Inner City. Retrieved from https://hbr.org/1995/05/the-competitive-advantage-of-the-inner-city

Catalano, D. (2022, June 9). The Pros and Cons of Locating Your Business in the Suburbs. Retrieved from http://www.ioptimizerealty.com/blog/pros-cons-business-suburbs

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