Technology and Globalization

Do you agree that technology and globalization increase the chance of inequality? If yes, state your reasons why. If no, also state your reasons why. Take a minute to think about how technology and globalization have impacted your region. Write some reflections and share them.

          I agree that technology and globalization increase the chance of inequality. First of all, technologies are not given for free. I recall that my first mobile phone cost me around $70 in 2013, and back then it was an expensive purchase: not every kid of my age could afford it. Some people in my neighborhood had only 1 mobile phone used by the whole family. And not even every family had it in my small town.

          During the first week, we learned different theories about how Globalization developed. According to the World-System theory, the most profitable economic activities are concentrated in the core states, while exploiting peripheral and semi-peripheral regions. Therefore, it is not surprising, that in 2013 the situation of mobile phones was quite different in big cities and the capital of my country. And we know that people who have mobile phones and the internet in their hands have much more abilities than those who have not. No wonder technologies in core states had driven the progress and globalization there unequally compared to the other regions.

          However, this example was describing only the situation in one single country. But what about others? The thing is, that highly skilled workers are encouraged to leave their countries and move to the richer ones (Birdsall N., 2005). If you open any state website of any country and check how to immigrate there, there is always an easy way for professionals and scientists. All countries welcome them because they increase economic growth and productivity.

         Technology and globalization have impacted China a lot. Some years ago, China used to be simply a copycat, creating copies of famous brands. Later on, due to the relatively low cost of the workforce, these brands opened several factories in this country. I remember how surprised I was when I suddenly noticed this sentence on the box of my new iPhone: “Developed in the USA. Assembled in China”. China also encouraged and welcomed several automobile factories to open on its territory. I think, having so many resources to learn from, Chinese engineers received a lot of knowledge and started creating their own high-quality products. For example, in past, I believed that only Apple Inc. can offer good-quality devices. But some years later I tried Chinese brands – since that time I buy OPPO phones only. They not only provide great quality but also have more reasonable and affordable prices. I believe this is possible simply because local engineers learned a lot from their experience working for international brands.


Birdsall N. (2005). Rising Inequality in the New Global Economy. Retrieved from

Technology and Globalization

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