Personal Finance Course

What skills and knowledge do you hope to obtain by taking the Personal Finance course?

In the modern world, every part of your life requires some expenses – from daily necessities like food to being able to simply go from destination A to destination B (for example, by car, bus, or taxi) to get to your work or spending some time with your family in a movie theater. Therefore, it is really important to plan your life and know more about your personal finance.

According to Siegal and Yacht (2009), our textbook will tell us how to plan finances, increase profits, enhance our saving habits, explain to us more about taxation, and many other things. This is why I am looking forward to understanding how to make good personal financial decisions, and how to evaluate financial risks. I also hope to learn how to create a budget plan for generating income – I know that life is an ongoing process, and I will need to re-assess my goals over time anyways, but it is clear, that to be able to generate income and spend it the right way I need to have some good plan in advance. I expect that in the future, thanks to this course, I will be able to avoid common mistakes in personal finance planning.

Investment is one of the really good ways to raise money. I hope that I will learn how to build wealth and how to (and in what) wisely invest.

It’s only the first week now, but I already feel like I’m starting to understand a little bit about how to manage my finances better than I did before. Looking forward to what is next!


Siegal, R. & Yacht, C. (2009). Personal Finance. Saylor Foundation. Licensed under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 3.0.

Personal Finance Course

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