Providing and receiving feedback

What are my two strong points in providing feedback and what are the two points I need to work on and why? What are my two strong points in receiving feedback and what are the two points I need to work on and why?

What part of the material covered thus far presents the biggest challenge for me?

        First weeks we were learning more about ourselves and our personality types. It was relatively easy but very interesting, as soon as I was curious about MBTI long before taking this course. However, this week we learned about giving feedback, and this became the biggest challenge for me. In fact, we also learned some points and strategies for giving feedback in the Online Education Strategies course. I gained an understanding that you must be supportive, honest, and your feedback should not be summative but must help to improve (Rabinowitz, P., n.d.). In theory, it is logical and easy, but in practice, I sometimes end up without any correct ideas and words that could be suitable to give meaningful feedback.

What are my two strong points in providing feedback and what are the two points I need to work on and why?

           My personality type is ISFP, and people like me are observant. It makes it one of the two strong points in providing feedback for me: I mix what people do or say with my experience to make a consistent whole. If I have any solutions, they are usually practical and give me the opportunity to make the situation better (Truity, n.d.). Also, according to Rabinowitz, P (n.d.), good feedback is not too lengthy. Therefore, I can say that my second strong point in providing feedback is the fact, that I always try to not make it too long. Probably, this is why sometimes it is so difficult to find the correct words – not to make my message too long but to say something I really feel ought to say.

            Of course, there are also some points I need to work on. For example, I must become more attentive and patient, and if I see a good essay which I totally agree with, I can still think and talk about some suggestions or ask additional questions to continue the discussion. I should also work on being less empathetic. My personality type tends to be too sensitive and caring, and sometimes I simply feel too bad to give some peers fair feedback because I don’t want anyone to fail. I need to work on finding the right words to make my feedback really helpful and consistent.

What are my two strong points in receiving feedback and what are the two points I need to work on and why?

            First of all, after analyzing whether the feedback is truly showing the weak points of my work, I always try to remember it and use this knowledge when writing a new assignment next time. I reflect and decide, how to become better. I also remember that getting feedback has many benefits – therefore, I’m gracious. This is important when receiving constructive criticism.

            However, there are also some points I need to work on. For example, I need to learn to stop my first reactions. My personality type often tends to be too emotional, but it is important to be able to stay calm and try not to react immediately. It is common advice for the ISFP type to slow down and not overreact. Another thing relates to the first one: I need to remember, that feedback is not something personal and nobody is trying to insult me – in fact, my peers are trying to help me to improve, and I should not feel sad. I should encourage to become better and more professional.


Rabinowitz, P. (n.d.). Section 4. Providing corrective feedback. CommunityToolBox. Retrieved from

Truity. (n.d.) ISFP. The Composer. Retrieved from

Providing and receiving feedback

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