Definition of management

The text defines management as “The art of getting things done through the efforts of other people.” Put yourself in the shoes of a manager and explain what this definition means in the context of a company operation. You can use the example of any company (large or small) and any good or service.

When we speak about large companies, sometimes we do not realize how many people work there at different levels and positions. If I think of it, every company (regardless of its size) is a well-oiled machine with workers playing the role of different tools or details and managers being important cogs that let this machine operate in the right way. So, the more details we have, the more cogs we need. In other words, “the larger the organization, the more managers are needed” [].

The machine cannot operate if its details are not assembled in the right way; something (or, in our case – someone) should keep them in the right position, helping to prove themselves and show the best of their talents and knowledge.

As an example, we can imagine an extremely talented artist who spent decades drawing amazing pieces of digital art. If he decides to work for a company, he needs someone to set the goals for him. Moreover, these goals must be clear and thoroughly planned so that he can do his best to apply his amazing skills. If there is nobody to tell him what exactly to do, even this experienced professional artist will not complete the task correctly. At the same time, most probably the manager doesn’t have any drawing skills but he knows what and when should be done. He has a full understanding of the project and knows which steps should be taken to achieve the best results. Thus, we have a manager with management skills and an artist with drawing skills; the artist can create things that a manager needs to implement the project. 

Tencent is a large worldwide known Chinese company. Probably, you will not find any Chinese person without a WeChat or QQ account. This company cares about the growth of its employees and has several projects aimed to improve the quality of their lives. It means, that the living conditions of stuff affect the efficiency, and the professional growth affects the results. The better results workers achieve, the more money company earns – that is why the managers of Tencent help their workers to improve so that they can grow together with the company. It is a very good example of the management strategy; developers produce the software under the lead of their project managers, a sales team with their managers work on selling these products, etc. At the same time, special attention is paid to the employees’ growth and making them happier at work. [].

The management is defined as “the art of getting things done through the efforts of other people.” I think, that this sentence perfectly describes the work of the mechanism I mentioned above. To let the employees “shine” and use the best of their skills and knowledge, it is very important to provide them with a friendly atmosphere and let them grow. 

Definition of management

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